Meet Jewel Higdon

What is your official role at B'nai Shalom Day School?

Infant Room Teacher

What is your favorite thing about your role?

I love seeing the babies smiling faces everyday and watching them grow. There is no joy like seeing a baby learn new things everyday!

What made you choose to work at B'nai Shalom Day School?

The infant room is like no other I’ve seen before! It’s so spacious and inviting! The environment of the school is loving and friendly!

What has been the highlight of your year thus far?

Going to Mexico!

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Going to college! I am currently attending Randolph Community College.

What is your favorite way to spend time with your family?

Eating a good meal and playing board games!

What is your biggest pet peeve?

People being rude to elderly people.

What was your favorite subject in school?


What do you look forward to every day?

Seeing the babies faces light up when they walk into the classroom!

If your younger self could meet you as an adult, what would they be most impressed by?

My patience

What is your mantra?

It is what it is!


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