
Our preschool program is licensed by the state of North Carolina and serves students 8-weeks through Pre-Kindergarten. Our play-based, learner-centered environment nurtures your child's social, emotional, and cognitive development.

Jewish traditions, holidays, and Hebrew language are woven throughout the curriculum. The preschool is part of the larger school community, allowing your child to interact with all ages of the B’nai Shalom family and participate in “specials” including: Physical Education, Art, Music, and Library time.

We believe that learning should be about the process, not the product and that children learn through hands-on experiences. We believe that creating a safe, nurturing environment promotes learning and that preschool is the prime opportunity to develop social skills. We believe that children develop at varying rates and times and we meet them exactly where they are at any given moment.

The B’nai Shalom Infant Room is a one-of-a-kind program where, with our 3:1 baby-to-teacher ratio, you can feel assured that your child is getting the attention, care, and love they deserve. At B’nai Shalom, we recognize and celebrate that each child is growing and learning at their own pace, and teachers provide enriching engagement to support their unique and individual growth.

Our Infant Room is a full day program with drop off as early as 7:30 AM and pick-up through 5:30 PM.

Infant Room

Toddler Program (Ganohn)

Your child can begin their Gahnon experience at B’nai Shalom as young as 12-months old. Every day, your toddler will engage in playful learning activities that help enhance their gross motor, fine motor, and social/emotional skills. Through our “loose parts” curriculum your child will learn to manipulate various objects and materials, developing their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Your child will also enjoy spending time on our naturescape playground, and having free play in our gymnasium- both learning environments are crucial for expanding students physical and social development with their friends.

In Kitat Gar’een your child will grow in their learning and and exploration of their environment. With weekly topics of focus such as weather and days of the week, your student will begin to develop an understanding of the world around them. Your child will also begin to engage in Library and Dramatic Arts through our Readers Theatre program and will receive weekly musical instruction with our Preschool Music Specialist. At B’nai Shalom, we nurture the whole child and focus not just cognitive development, but health & physical development, language development & communication, and emotional & social development too.

Preschool 2/3 (Kitat Gar'een)

Preschool 3/4 (Kitat Nitzan)

Kitat Nitzan dives deep into students new found ability to take keen interest in specific topics. Teachers in this class introduce project based themes that expose your child to math, science and pre-literacy experiences in a creative way. Activities and art projects are process, not product based which allows your child the freedom to create and explore in their own way. Students in Kitat Nitzan add physical education instruction to their weekly experience at B’nai Shalom, which focuses on team building and game play. These essential skills add to your students holistic learning and development.

Pre-Kindergarten (Kitat Ilan)

Kitat Ilan is a bridge between the B’nai Shalom Preschool program and our Lower School. Students begin honing skills essential for Kindergarten success such as problem solving, collaboration, the ability to follow basic instructions, and social & emotional development. Students in Kitat Ilan add Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) with our School Counselor to their weekly education. Activities in this class are based around the Jewish and secular calendars and bring together the culmination of our loose parts curriculum and process art. At B’nai Shalom we celebrate your child’s uniqueness and encourage children to be inquisitive learners.