The Legendary Educator: A Teacher Who Became an Icon

Ms. Nancy celebrating the 100th Day of School with her Kindergarten class

One cannot imagine B’nai Shalom Day School without Ms. Nancy Lance. For over two decades, she has been a constant source of warmth, wisdom, and dedication, shaping the lives of countless Kindergarten students. What started as a substitute teaching role quickly became a lifelong passion as she found a home in the school’s community. In this interview, Ms. Nancy reflects on her journey, the joys and challenges of teaching, and the traditions that make B’nai Shalom such a special place.

Ms. Nancy, what brought you to our school originally, and what inspired you to stay for so many years?

I was asked by the Kindergarten teacher at the time, Gloria Daniels, to substitute for her class. She also ran the summer camp and asked me to work there for several years. Later, they needed a Pre-K teacher, so I took on that role. Eventually, I moved up with that class to kindergarten when the previous kindergarten teacher transitioned to first grade. I found the school to be such a wonderful and amazing place—I didn’t want to leave.

Was it in the same classroom where we’re sitting now?

No, Kindergarten used to be where the current Preschool 3/4 class is. I had to move 20-plus years of collected materials into new rooms, which was quite a challenge.

How has B’nai Shalom changed over the years, and what changes are you most proud of?

The curriculum has grown significantly. We’ve had a lot of professional development to ensure we’re using the best programs for math and language arts. I love that we keep improving. 

What values or traditions at our school do you think are the most important to uphold?

The Jewish traditions are essential. The social-emotional program and character education initiative has been wonderful. Teaching students character traits and encouraging them to be the best friends and students they can be is invaluable.

Have students changed over the years, or do you think Kindergartners are still Kindergartners?

There’s a big difference. In the past, Kindergarten was more play-based, but now there’s a stronger emphasis on early reading and higher-level math skills. It’s an adjustment, but the students rise to the challenge.

What have been some of your biggest challenges as a Kindergarten teacher?

One of the biggest challenges has been adapting the curriculum to class sizes, which have ranged from as few as four students to as many as eighteen. Pacing lessons and differentiating instruction can be tricky, but I find ways to make it work.

The 100th day of school is coming up. Tell me about its significance in your classroom.

From day one the children track each day on a chart, which helps them build number skills. On the 100th day, we celebrate in a big way! We make hats with 100 buttons, necklaces with 100 beads, and shirts decorated with 100 items. We also hide 100 Hershey Kisses, each numbered, so students can match them to a giant chart. It’s a great way to reinforce counting and number recognition.

Your daughter, Heather, is also a teacher at B’nai Shalom. What’s it like having her here?

It’s wonderful. She is amazing with the little ones—so patient and kind. Honestly, I want to be like Heather when I grow up! I love that she wanted to follow in my footsteps and be part of this incredible school.

What advice would you give to the next generation of teachers?

Love the children. Make sure they know they can do hard things and that they are supported and cared for. Enjoy the experience because there’s no other school like this. If I were Jewish, my own children would have gone here without a doubt. This is the most incredible school on the planet!

What do you hope former students remember about their time at B’nai Shalom?

I hope they always remember what a great place this is and that it gave them a lifelong love of learning. I see so many former students doing incredible things, and it’s heartwarming to know that their journey started here.


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