Celebrating and Learning About Rosh Hashanah in the Preschool
PS 1/2 (Ms. Maddie & Ms. Menbi, Ms. Heather & Ms. Jessica)
The toddlers have been learning about apples, honey, and Shofars to prepare for Rosh Hashanah. This week we are focusing on honey and the bees that make it. We have incorporated the parts of Rosh Hashanah into our fine motor, gross motor, and sensory play. Be sure to listen for us saying "shanah tovah" to our friends in the hallways.
PS 2/3-A (Ms. Bobbijean & Ms. Katelyn)
From apple art to apple orchards to apple math, it's all things apples in preschool 2/3-A! The children loved figuring out how many apples tall they are. Measuring with non-standard units (like apples) helps the children understand relative lengths at a time when we aren't quite ready to figure out direct comparisons yet. We understand a long line of apples better than we understand 3 feet and 2 inches, especially when 3 feet aren't actual feet!
PS 2/3-B (Ms. Jessica & Ms. Emily)
For the month of September, each week has been broken down into a full detailed exploration of the following: Apples, Bees, Honey, and celebrations and traditions of Rosh Hashanah. Kitat Gar’een Bet has explored Rosh Hashanah with our senses, science, art, dramatic play, and more.
PS 3/4: (Ms. Toni & Ms. Olivia)
We have explored Rosh Hashanah by bowling with apples (gross motor), played with apple-spiced play dough (sensory and fine motor), and making Shana Tovah cards (literacy). Our dramatic play area has transformed into a honey store/beekeeper/hive (social-emotional) and we've enjoyed time with our flannel board stories, and of course, tons of songs. We have also counted with shofar blowing (math) and so much more!
Pre-K (Ms. Ryann & Ms. Tracy)
Pre-K has been busy using apples in many different ways during our celebration of Rosh Hashanah. We used 6 different types of apples to do a taste test, then we also cut them open for observing and recording in our science journals. We also used this as an opportunity to talk about healthy snacks. We encouraged families to send in apples and the children with apples add a paper apple to our classroom tree.