Leah Neitlich, Class of 2024

How long have you been a student at B’nai Shalom?

5 ½ years. I started at B’nai in the middle of 3rd grade when I was 8 years old.

What is your favorite memory of B’nai Shalom?

Playing with my Buddies!  “When they were kindergarteners, I was a 4th grader and now THEY are the 4th graders which is cool to see.”

Why do you think that a B’nai Shalom education is important and different than an education you can get elsewhere? 

The classes are so small that you really get 1:1 time with teachers. It’s easier for teachers to know who you are as a person and also easier to connect with peers and make closer relationships.

What has it been like having Judaism as part of the curriculum?

B’nai has definitely taught me what it means to be Jewish and to be a proud Jewish person. I will definitely take all those pieces with me into the future.

What will you miss the most when you leave B’nai Shalom?

Probably the small class sizes. And Buddy time!

Where are you going to school next year?

Northwest High School

What are you the most excited about for next year?

I’m excited to do sports at school- I plan to do cheer. And I am excited to go to school dances. 

Why do you think someone should choose B’nai Shalom to educate their child?

You really connect with your Judaism here and you just learn so much. It's different from public school because of the small class sizes, so you just learn so much better. And the teachers really get to know you as a person.

What are your long term goals?

After high school I want to go to college, somewhere warm like Florida. I also know I want to do something in the physical therapy realm.

Any last parting words?

Take in the moment- it goes by really quickly! Just yesterday I was in 3rd grade and I blinked and I’m an 8th grader. I always wished I was an 8th grader, but now I wish I was a 3rd grader again.


Mira Luft, Class of 2024


Eli Williams, Class of 2024