Mira Luft, Class of 2024

How old were you when you became a student at B’nai Shalom?

About 1 or 2. I’ve been at B’nai since I was a baby.

What are some of your favorite memories of B’nai Shalom?

I have a lot of favorites! Probably my favorite class in Lower School was 3rd grade. We read a lot of books with Ms. Jodi; I remember so much and so many details. It was just really fun. I also love Ms Kim. She has gotten me to learn math very well so I really understand it; I feel free to ask questions. She is amazing and I really connect with her. And I of course love Ms Renne. She's like my school Mom. She's just always there for me and is such a good teacher.

In your opinion, why is a B’nai Shalom education important?

B’nai Shalom has given me the ability to be really social and connect with people. I think of myself as a very social person. I am able to connect with adults and with little kids. I think B’nai has given me the ability to connect with people of every age.

Why are the Jewish elements of your education important to you?

It really helped to build my Jewish identity. I feel like I can be a Jewish person freely, especially around friends that maybe aren't Jewish and I feel like I can just be myself and really embrace it. Being at B’nai has really helped me connect with it (Jewish identity); learning so much torah and going to services every morning and being around people who feel the same way about Judaism as me has really connected me to it. 

What will you miss the most when you leave B’nai Shalom?

The teachers- I love the teachers.

Where are you going to go to High School next year?

Grimsley High School

What are you most excited for next year?

I’m excited to meet new people and have bigger classes.

What are your long term goals?

I want to go to college, maybe somewhere close in North Carolina. I hope to go to the beach a lot and study abroad somewhere- a semester at sea maybe? I also want to do my birthright trip to Israel when I’m 18.

Why do you think a parent should choose B’nai Shalom to educate their child?

I would tell them they should choose B’nai! Their kid will feel very welcomed here and they will learn so much so quickly and fit right in and feel so connected to everyone. Everyone here is so warm.

Any last parting words?

Take it all in. It’s going to go by so fast. It's going to be really sad- you will reflect on everything you have learned and everything you will miss and it's just going to hit you so fast. So really take everything in.


Noah Strasser, Class of 2024


Leah Neitlich, Class of 2024