Samantha Applebaum, Class of 2024

How long have you been a student at B’nai Shalom?

I started at B’nai Shalom when I turned 2. I went to B’nai for 3 years, then left and came back last year in 7th grade.

What is your favorite memory from B’nai Shalom?

My favorite classes were definitely science or coding because I like science, and coding because we have the 3D printers and a lot of cool tools to work with. My favorite memories are probably Tashlich or Lag B’Omer because I remember doing them when I was little, then I got to do them when I came back, and now I get to do them with my buddies, so that's very powerful.

In your opinion, why is a B’nai Shalom education important?

Because it teaches us about our Jewish identity and our roots and Israel. Our school does a great job of developing social and emotional skills at such a young age which is an important thing that B’nai really focuses on.

Why do you think the Jewish aspects of your education were important?

Well, I come from a reform family, so like we celebrate Hanukkah and stuff but I didn't really know all the things and all the holidays and traditions. Now I do and I have learned a lot of prayers that I can recognize when I go to otherJewish communities in other parts of the world, which I think is a really cool thing to be able to do.

What do you think you will miss the most when you leave B’nai Shalom?

All the little kids. B’nai has Infants-8th grade, so there is always a class that needs help that you can play with kids in when the teachers need it. It's nice seeing kids in the hallways and knowing their parents. It really has a small community feel.

Where are you going next year for 9th grade?

Salem Academy which is an all-girls boarding school in Old Salem.

What are you most excited about for next school year?

Like B’nai, Salem Academy is a smaller, more communal school. They have their own fun traditions like B’nai, and I think it will be a fun experience to get to know kids from different parts of the world and country that go there.

What are your long term goals?

Well, I hope to become a Mom and send my kids to B’nai Shalom! I want to go to college and grad school and become something working with kids because B’nai has shown me how much I love kids. 

Why do you think a parent should choose B’nai Shalom to educate their child?

B’nai is such a nice community that when you leave, it's always there for you. The classes are small so you get a lot of attention which is good. B’nai does a great job of accommodating different needs and has a lot of resources that other schools don't have. We also have fun things like everyone has their own iPad and we have 3D printers because it's such a small school. You also learn a lot of skills being in school with such a wide range of ages, and you develop social and emotional skills that you take with you for the rest of your life. And you feel more in touch with your Jewish roots.


Tyler Strasser, Class of 2024


Noah Strasser, Class of 2024