Tyler Strasser, Class of 2024

How long have you been a student at B’nai Shalom?

My whole life.

What is your favorite memory from your time at B’nai Shalom?

My favorite memories are when we get to go and play with our Buddies on Fridays because it's just so much fun and I love it.

Why do you think a B’nai Shalom education is important?

I think it's important because there are a bunch of other Jewish kids like you so you always feel like you fit in and you belong.

Why do you think the Jewish aspects of your education were important?

I think it is important to learn what has happened in the past so that it won't happen again. It has taught us to respect each other, and that even if someone is different from you, you don't have to be mean about it. You can just accept it because we are all different.

What will you miss the most when you leave B’nai Shalom?

I will definitely miss my class. 

Where are you going next year for 9th grade?

I am going to Noble Academy- go Knights!

What are you most looking forward to for next school year?

I am excited to meet new people and just see how Noble is, like how my new classes are and who the people in classes will be.

What are your long term goals?

I want to study zoology and become a zoo keeper. 

Why do you think a parent should choose B’nai Shalom to educate their child?

Because you learn a lot of things about being Jewish and Jewish identity like the events and holidays and what those are about. And get to meet a lot of new people and it's easy to become best friends because classes are small.

Any last parting words for the rising 8th grade class of 2025?

There is more homework compared to 7th grade so make sure you have stuff done on time. And it's okay to be funny and joke around, but sometimes you need to be serious. 

Life is short, have some fun!


A Note from New Head of School, Eva Turner


Samantha Applebaum, Class of 2024